
Showing posts from May, 2017
Sleep paralysis is a very terrifying thing to experience. I don't know many people who has experienced it here, but i heard that it is a very common thing around the world.     Some people get sleep paralysis once or twice in their whole entire life while others have them every night. I am one of them.     I get sleep paralysis, about 5 times a week. I get then very often. It is hard to believe, i know but i get sleep paralysis so many in one month, it is insane.  I am just wondering when i will loose my sanity because of this 'sleep paralysis'.   First when i heard about sleep paralysis, i was freaked out. Knowing it could happen to anyone...wondering when it will happen to me. Sleep paralysis is what you could call ''Not being able to move, make any sounds or react but being able to see, think and feel.'' It happens during sleep or after waking up.      Real life and your horrifying dreams get mushed together. You have to experience it